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Leap Into the Future

Future Proof your Skills

Leap from web 2 to web 3

Leap Astra will give you all the skills you need to make it into the new web 3 age. Quality Edutainment bootcamps, Astronaut Classes, Short courses, Astra degrees

Leap astra aims to be the top tech provider to empower web3 individuals with knowledge skills and attitude to succeed guided by industry leaders and professionals

Web 3 Star Path

Leap Astra will give each Astranaut a star path to help them learn the fundementa ls and guide thier mission till specia lization.

intuitive LMS

Leap Astra runs on the Open Ex MOOC system as developed by Harvard & MIT. The LMS is intuitive and easy to use to aid Astranauts in excelling in their mission

Ai Learning Aisstant

Each Astranaut will have access to support through their lecturers, tutors and an ai assistant named Astrari.

Cryptography & Blockchain Tech

Leap Astra will give up to date syllabi in blockchain and crypographic techology to aid astranauts in being first to market with key skills.

VR, AR & Mixed Reality

Leap Astra will give each Astranaut the skills needed to create whole new interactive mixed rea lities by learning virtua l rea lity and augumented rea lity skills

Technology Partners

Leap Astra has partnered with key leaders in the technology and blockchain industries to enable Astranauts to access various software, sandboxes and inforamtion to ensure they are the best Astranauts in the market.

Our Courses

These are the next scheduled courses being run.

Build the Metaverse

Build the next iteration of the internet by learning key skills required to thrive in the metaverse.

Leap Astra will help you learn the fundamentals, Create a star path all the way to web 3 specialisation.

Build tomorrow and Leap into the future

The Metaverse is an evolution into a more immersive and interconnected 3D internet

Leap Astra